
Shines Through Lyrics


Lies, I've deceived myself in this hour of solitude
Through the breaking of love and spirit
These words were spit from my mouth
The bitterness poured from deep within my heart
Only to stain and harden my skin
Erasing compassion

Ripping the joy, let me go
Ripping the joy from inside of me, let me go
Ripping the joy from inside of me, let me go

Trying to rid myself of this frame

Wash it from my eyes, all these sad goodbyes
Make me feel again
Wash it from my eyes, all these sad goodbyes
Make me feel again
(Leave me here to reconcile these unfinished plans...)
Wash it from my eyes, all these sad goodbyes
Make me feel again
Wash it from my eyes, all these sad goodbyes
Make me feel again
(Leave me here to reconcile these unfinished plans...)
Wash it from my eyes, all these sad goodbyes
Make me feel again
(Leave me here to reconcile these unfinished plans...)

Love broke me
(These unfinished plans...)
Love broke me
Love broke me

Trials are in vain
I press on not knowing what there is to gain
In all that I've failed
I have come to realize Your truth shines through the pain

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